Why Autumn Is A Great Time To Try Something New
Some people think summer is the sexiest time of year and that is certainly true when it comes to people showing off a bit of flesh on hot sunny days, whether on the beach, at a festival or when putting on things that would give them hypothermia a few months later.
However, as the nights draw in and the last of summer’s warmth fades, now may actually be the best time for couples.
After all, if you’re with someone it’s not all about showing off a bit of skin outdoors in summer - you’ve seen it all already. Instead, this time of year is where all that starts to get hidden when out of doors under woolly jumpers, coats and scarves.
However, all makes it so much better when everything can be revealed again behind closed doors. And while the thermostat may be turned up, a couples sex toy kit might be just the thing to help you really keep each other warm.
According to a report in the Metro News, scientists say testosterone levels are higher in the autumn. Maybe this is a natural thing to help ensure babies are more likely to be born in summer, but if you do feel more frisky as the leaves fall, there may be a very good reason for it.
What’s more, it’s not just about feeling horny. Autumn can be a time of genuine romance; the magnificent sunsets, the kicking your way through the golden leaves, the feeling of warmth and cosiness by the bonfire and dark nights that are ideal for gazing at the stars without the perpetual twilight of summer are all great for this - as are warm cuddles.
Of course, for some, autumn brings some very different expectations, such as Halloween with its trick or treat, or November 5th with its fireworks. But with the right toys you can create your own tricks in the bedroom and make your own fireworks.