Tips To Help Initiate Sex More
In a relationship, after the lust-filled first stages, things can sometimes hit a plateau on the sex front. If you are both comfortable with this, then fine! However, sometimes we can hold back from asking for what we want, for fear of rejection, or causing offence. This is a shame when you could both be having a more satisfying time in bed.
Despite huge progress in breaking down old attitudes, and stopping the shaming of sexual females, unfortunately studies prove that men are still twice as likely to initiate sex than women. However, men still also like to feel wanted and desired by their partners, and in a healthy relationship, initiating sex should be a matter of equality!
If you find asking for sex upfront too bold, you could try sending sexy texts to your partner throughout the day. This will build up anticipation, and you can get creative with some teasing details about what you want to do later! Compliments also work very well for most of us, so tell your partner exactly why you fancy them.
Another way to communicate your desire could be to wear your favourite sexy lingerie under an outfit that is slightly more revealing than your normal style. If your partner is still not getting the message, make sure they get a glimpse of what lies beneath!
If sex toys are your thing, you could leave one casually lying around, and glance at it suggestively (provided you don’t have housemates, of course!). Maybe buy something new that you haven’t tried before, such as a remote control love egg, and ask your partner to help you discover how to use it.
For all genders, clear communication is key, to make sure you are both in the mood. Physical contact, and kissing to provide a slow build-up is a good idea, without any race to the end goal. A simple ‘do you like this?’ is a positive way to avoid any resentment or misunderstanding.